Advice and parts Needed on multiple stuff
Hi Guys i need some advice i am new to the pajero IO family
I need to do a service on my car and also i need a few parts for it
Pajero IO 1.6 2001
Car Vin: JMYMNH65WXY000379
Engine Vin: 4G18YN1832
Service Advice:
• What Engine Oil ?
• What Gearbox Oil
• Are the gearbox linked to the 4x4 box? If nit what oil? Same
• Where is the fill valve located on the gearbox?
Parts Needed:
The AC does not have the belt on it it seems like they used a shorter belt
And bypassed the AC pump what is the normal spec belt?
I wil also do some check after i have a belt to see if the AC does work
But at this time i will need a belt to spool the AC pump.
The prevous owner had cut out the headlights and fitted thise round shitty lights,
I am looking at getting a new set found some on Ali
Will these work? See link below!ZAR!1068.16!711.65!!!!!%40!12000029535991571!ppc!!!&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=298-731-3000&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&gclsrc=aw.ds&&albagn=888888&&ds_e_adid=&ds_e_matchtype=&ds_e_device=m&ds_e_network=x&ds_e_product_group_id=&ds_e_product_id=en1005004540585178&ds_e_product_merchant_id=107898748&ds_e_product_country=ZA&ds_e_product_language=en&ds_e_product_channel=online&ds_e_product_store_id=&ds_url_v=2&albcp=21583941113&albag=&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAqc5ie1WNtbPV-mWx1kVQONc4YcRc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1_WPrcmWiwMVlZNQBh3ZmDD3EAQYASABEgLw5vD_BwE