Approval of forum posts?
Is this done for everyone?
hello there,
I am fairly new here, and while you do not always get some reply or quick reply, I believe that we are all welcome and haven't felt unwelcome at all. This forum is full of info, and I think that it is mainly a hanfull of dedicated io owner that really make it going with some smart and hard work. They probably received the same questions again and again, just like me "how do you lift the io..." and not everyone is always on line, and yes time zone would play against you.
Hi Claudio, Thanks for
Hi Claudio, Thanks for replying but my point is not about people answering questions, it's about the moderator/s releasing posts that are held back for some reason (certain topics, during certain times - I don't know why) - when I wrote a post on the 4WD topic this morning I got a response saying it would be held until approved by the moderator. It hasn't been released yet 10 hours or so later. Not a complaint - its a free service after all - just wanting to know the how the system works.
Hey guys,I have recently
Hey guys,
I have recently changed to forum to allow posts from Anonymous posters (dont have to sign up) in an effort to increase activity. But i get about 50-100 spam posts for every genuine post, so i must review and approve all anonymous posts before I allow them to be published on the site. I have been busy of late and it sometimes takes a while for me to get to them.
IF you are still having problems make sure you are signed in when posting, I have made a couple of posts myslef while not been signed in and its gone up as anonymous
and as you can see above, it looks like im not the only one
Thanks for explaining - I did
Thanks for explaining - I did wonder if I wasn't logged in. Some other sites keep me logged in on every visit through a cookie (I assume) - can't you do something like that or extend the timeout if you're already doing it? Or maybe I was USing in from a different device.... anyway, I'm pretty sure my posts aren't worth anyone wading through 1 let alone 100 spams ;) and this doesn't sound like a sustainable solution for you to have to do that.
Yes you can normally stay
Yes you can normally stay logged in, I think the problem may be when going from say phone to computer, thats what I get caught out.
No the spam is a little more intense that I was expecting, I may remove anon postings, But with a few extra administrators on the site it would not be to hard. Will get some volunteers oneday :)
log in
I have found out about the log in, when I have seen my post without my name. So I have put this site on my favorite list, while I was logged in. So everytime I come for a visit, I use my favorite list, and it, then, already logged in. I am not very good with all that!, but it seems to work for me (yes, pure luck!)
Happy io...
With regard to the anonymous posts
I noted yesterday reviewing a couple of threads that several posts were shown as anonymous, when at the time of posting there was a registered user name - and I know this because one of them was a post I made.
There' something srewy going on.
Thats because you posted
Thats because you posted while not logged in, then when I go through the approval que and published all the "non spam" posts it will come up as anonymous, I occasionally assign a user to the post when im sure who it was. But even then it will say "not verified"
I think I might turn off allowing posts from anon users, we have had quite a few sign ups from anon posters tho,it seems to help get people to start participating.
No it's not.
I'll give you two reasons why...
The first is - I check every time I visit the site to see if I'm logged in, because I depend on that to show me which threads have been updated and to take me to those updated posts, I do that because this forum puts replies to a post directly after the post, rather than at the end of the post, so it saves me from having to scroll through the post looking at the post dates.
The second is - it showed a name before - I've seen it with one of my posts and also with posts from other members. The first time I noticed it the post was someone elses, and I was puzzled by it, the second time I saw it, it was one of my posts, and that's when I knew something screwy was happening.
not at all - i've never had a delay -