How to remove interior carpet roof?

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Joe King
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Recently picked up a new light bar from a friend, it's mounted but not installed yet. I bought a cool switchboard that I want to fix to the interior roof in a sort of roof console fashion and use it to control my spot lights, light bar and in the future a reversing/work light (more for the people who tailgate than anything) when I get it.

I'm just wondering has anyone removed the carpet on their roof and what's the easiest way to do it? I don't want to drill straight into it without seeing what's one the other side first.

EDIT: Never mind. Gave up and screwed the panel straight on.

I find there are very few problems in life that can't be solved with a heavy pair of boots. That hill is no exception.
Stock standard '99 5 Door IO, with a few accessories and bling.


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